April 5, 2014 Sorry,
that I haven't been able to be on here much; 1) with my hands' problems 2) the
lightening hitting & frying the computers and everything, 3) along with my going up & staying with (caring
for) my folks, I just haven't been able to do much on here. My hands are healing
very well, although I can't type for any length of time yet. The doctor's said
that it would probably take at least 3 years. My hands are so much better now
than they were before the operations. Hopefully, by next winter, I will be able
to do a lot more on here. I have all new equipment (replacing what was fried in
the electric storm). The new equipment is much more updated than what I had
before. Now that spring is coming, I will need to be outside as outdoor chores
need attention on our farm. I will work at updating you on our "Camp
Dream" which is a priority of mine.
These blogs are important and tie in with the "Camp Dream". We will start including more information on
that. Nellie Way Dezinski
JoLeAnEt's Interior Decorating and Landscaping Newsflash with Uncle Nehemiah & Aunt Pricilla Fairchild. Years ago CL'MASA-FAM'IA asked for consultants for their article writings, etc.; at times we will use pieces from those on here.
Welcome to CL’MASA-FAM’IA
Christian Friends,
We now have twelve interest sites started, which we will gradually add information; plus we are starting a Christian Family Blog for people to share ideas of family entertainment, past-time, recreation, etc. You can link to them from our home site “Christian Living – CL’MASA-FAM’IA” www.christianlivingclmasafamia.blogspot.com
In Christ, NaomiLeah